Link Exchange

If you would like to exchange links feel free to contact us. Please keep in mind that we prefer to exchange links with relevant sites that deal with plants, orchids, ferns, terrariums, aquariums, gardening, vivariums and the animals that can reside within them. That's just a partial list but you get the idea.

Aquatic Connection

Saltwater Fish
Aquatic Connection Live is your exciting online saltwater fish store for exotic saltwater fish, rare live corals and all the saltwater invertebrates you could wish for your home reef aquarium. You will find that our variety and selection is the largest on the web.

Simply Natural Dart Frogs

Simply Natural Dart Frogs

An excellent site with literally hundreds of various dart frogs available for purchase. Located in Florida, they ship worldwide. Dozens of excellent photographs of these fascinating amphibians. (English)

Bella Online

bella online Lots of information about orchids and orchid related materials. Here you'll find articles that will interest both beginner and expert alike.(English)

Under The Canopy Farms

underthecanopyfarms A great selection of captive bred tropical amphibians and assorted supplies. Located in South Carolina. An excellent source for captive born Dart Frogs. (English)

Mist King





MISTER KING is a low flow cost effective hobby misting solution. It can easily be applied in a terrarium garden, a planted reptile or amphibian vivarium, or an insectarium. It can also be the ultimate convenience tool that will spray your orchid or tropical plant collection. (English)

Fauna Top Sites

Fauna Top Sites